In order to spend more time with my 2 1/2 year old and 9 month old, I decided to put in my notice at work and stay at home with them. I am 100% confident that staying home with them will be more demanding than anything that work could throw at me; this is why I jokingly call this new chapter in my life, "gainful unemployment". Even though I will not be paid, I cannot put a price on the time I am going to spend with my boys="gainful". Although I will still be exhausted by the end of the day, I will not be driving to the metro, hopping on a train, walking to a couple blocks to the office, and then working for 8-10 hours="unemployment".
Like I said earlier, I cannot put a price on the time I will spend with Archer and Alexander, but I am concerned on a few things. After years on relying on 2 incomes, how can we survive on just 1? After not spending any real time alone with the boys, (when they weren't in daycare, Archer & Alexander were at home with both me and hubby), how am I going to care for and develop them? Lastly, what the heck am I going to talk to hubby about? I would normally talk to him about the happenings at work. Now what am I going to say? I'm sure stories of throw up and toilet training can only keep him engaged for so long.
This blog will chronicle my navigation into this new territory and will hopefully help others who find themselves in a similar situation. My posts will show how I am dealing with the decrease in pay and the increase in responsibility with my children, while on the right hand side, I'll post a daily conversation starter that can come from a variety of topics, just not work.
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