Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What's for Dinner?

If you have a second freezer, it probably looks a lot like mine - each shelf stocked with frozen foods stacked on top of each other, with no discernible way to tell what is actually there. Here's a quick, easy way to keep on top of what you have stored away. Buy some white board markers, (I got 3 for a $1 at my local dollar store), and on the door simply list the contents of the freezer.

I color coded my list to make it easier for me when I scan for a particular item. I used a black pen to write down bread items, red for meat, and blue for everything else. Going forward, I'll also write down the date of when I buy these items. If you're not able to write on the actually face of the freezer, you can always buy a small white board and attach it to the freezer.


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