So, I'm the type of person who wraps a gift literally 3 minutes before heading out the door to get to the event. I was recently invited to a birthday party that was to be held on a Wednesday morning, and since hubby would be at work at that time and would not be able to help me get the boys ready, I thought it would be best to wraps the presents the day before.
I go to my stash of wrapping and discover that I only have Christmas paper left. I really didn't feel like loading the kids into the car just to pick up wrapping paper, so I decided to improvise. :)
I measured and cut the paper to fit the gifts and flipped the paper over and had Archer paint the blank side.
Archer loves painting. |
Here's the finished artwork. |
These gifts look really nice in their Archer originals! |
To make the gift more fun for the 4 year old birthday boy, instead of attaching a card, I added a children's book and noted on the inside cover who the gifts were to and from. I also attached a sheet of stickers, because what 4 year old doesn't love stickers? If you're wrapping gifts for a little girl, another fun addition would be to sprinkle glitter to the paint while its still wet. :D |
Now, this semi-homemade wrapping paper may not be the most appropriate paper for a child's gift, (and was done since I was in a bit of a pinch), it IS a great idea for wrapping the Father's Day present your child intends on giving his daddy in about a week. You can also use this idea to wrap gifts intended for mothers, grandparents, uncles, aunts, godparents, etc. They love this kind of stuff! ;)
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