Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Personalized Name Tags

Here's a fun and creative name tag to attach to any gifts you may be giving, plus, you'll have a nice little art project for the kiddies.

You'll Need:

3/4 c salt
3/4 c flour
1.5 tsp veg oil
1/4 c water
baking tray
wax/parchment paper
glitter (optional)
strips of wire (optional)
varnish (optional)

Add salt, flour, oil, and water in a large bowl and mix until combined.
Mixing with your hands can be more fun than using a spoon!
Roll out dough and use your favorite cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes.
Cut a small length of wire and curve it into a "U" shape and press the side of your tag. If you don't have wire, you can use a paperclip as well. This piece of metal will provide you a place to tie a string so you can attach it to your gift.
Place the tags on a wax-lined baking sheet and  place into a oven preheated to 350 degrees.
Personalize your tag however you'd like, paint, glitter, varnish, etc.
If you have any leftover dough, put it in an air tight container and save for another day.


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