Tuesday, December 20, 2011

$10 Game Night

According to Hasbro, National Family Game Night was September 28th, so I'm either really late in gifting this, or really, really early for next year. I love playing board games with family and friends. My brother also shares this love, almost every time I visit him, he and his buddies are huddled over Scrabble, Taboo, etc. So I knew that this year I wanted to find another game to add to his collection.

I found another amazing deal at the fundraiser I recently attended. For $5, I was able to purchase the board game, "Non-Trival Quest".  For another $5, I was able to snag, "Battle of the Sexes - The Battle Continues" from the store Five Below. If I bought these 2 games on Amazon.com, it would have cost me $44.99.

Don't forget to check out today's Conversation Starter,(found on the right hand side), on celebrity Christmases!

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