Thursday, December 8, 2011

Potty Training Boot Camp - Day One

(First off, I apologize for not updating the blog yesterday - I was having router issues and was not able to log  onto the internet.)

Yesterday I started potty training Archer. Oh. My. Gosh. At the end of the day, I was surprised that any adults are potty trained at all. This truly is hard, unnatural work. Archer might not have learned a lot today, but I certainly learned something about him.  He is a little liar.

I'm not ashamed to admit this, but I did resort to bribing my 2 1/2 yr old. I told him that if he went potty, he would get a piece of candy. The whole day we had the following conversation:

Archer: Give me my piece of candy.
Me:      Did you go potty?
Archer: I did!
Me:      Let me check.  <I check the empty potty>.
Archer: Mischievous smile. >:-)

So, this is a taste of what I'm in for, huh? If he already fibs as a preschooler, what tales is he going to spin as a high schooler?

Well, I guess I'll handle one thing at a time.  Mission Impossible I: Loose the be continued....

If I learned that my little boy bends the truth and that he posses the most adorable impish smile, I learned something about myself, as well.  I am a lot more patient than I ever believed I was.  This is knowledge I will use when dealing with life's future stressful times, (and people). And I think this is a lesson all parents can apply towards themselves.

Sometimes, I think, we just don't give ourselves enough credit.
Don't forget to check out today's Conversation Starter on unattended children, found on the right hand side.

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